====== Using This Wiki ====== **Just a few basics to get started:**\\ //Note: you must be an **Authenticated User** to do more than read this wiki// * You can always get back to the **Start Page** by clicking the icon in the upper right-hand corner. * If you are an **Authenticated User:** * From the left-hand **Sidebar** on the Start Page: * Go to the bottom of the **Sidebar**, under **Restricted Areas**, and click on the "**Authenticated Users**" link. This is a good place to start. * To edit the page titled "**User Area**" (or any page) click on the pencil icon to the right of the page. ===== Create a New Page ===== * Edit an existing page * Create an internal link * //(see examples of how to do this at the "dokuwiki syntax examples" link below)// * Save the page * Click on that link * You will be taken to a new page * Click the pencil icon to the right * Edit that page and save it * To see examples of an internal link, and other dokuwiki syntax, click here: * [[dokuwiki syntax examples]] ===== Upload and/or Download Files ===== * **To upload a file (such as a .pdf .docx .odt or .jpg)** * Edit the page where you want the link to the file to appear * Drag and drop the file to the location you want the link to that file * You will see file name in curly brackets * Save the page * **To download a file** * Right click on the link to the file * From the menu chose "save link location" * //(note different browsers may use different wording)// * Choose where you want the file downloaded * In some cases, you may need to give the browser permission to download the file ===== Additional Information ===== * [[doku>syntax|Wiki Syntax]] * [[doku>manual|The manual]] :!: * [[doku>FAQ|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]] * [[doku>glossary|Glossary]] * [[https://forum.dokuwiki.org|DokuWiki User Forum]]